Adding a Son to Parent Account

The directions below are for parents who currently have a son at SLUH and would like to add another son to their existing SLUH PowerSchool account. If your older son has graduated, please contact SLUH IT at 314-269-2150 for help.

Note: Different districts have different PowerSchool servers. If you have a non-SLUH PowerSchool account you will have to create a SLUH-specific one.

After you login to PowerSchool at, click on Account Preferences at the bottom left corner.

Then click on the Students Tab, located just below the Account Preferences - Profile header.

Next, click on the Add button on the right.

Last, enter the information for the son you are adding to your account.
Your Access ID and Access Password were provided to you by SLUH.

If you have any issues, please contact SLUH IT at 314-269-2150 or email